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Readings: excerpts from a Memoir "Weiner Water Soup and How I Met My Mother." including brown paper lunch bag poems.

March 4, 2017 7-9 pm

Exhibition:  Artistic Quilts made from memorabila and repurposed cloth, Sensory Quilts for exploration with your hands, Collage and Photography.  Excerpts printed from a Memoir about Halle's mother, Camilla and the meals that were prepared in Halle's childhood. It turns out the Memoir is really about Halle and Camilla.

March 18, 2017, 7-9 pm  

Join us for an evening of food memoirs.  Yum!  Halle will read from her Memoir at 8pm.  Meanwhile, you're invite to write your food memoir on a brown paper lunch bag for us to share with everyone. Come be part of the exhibit!

(Brown paper lunch bags will be available at the opening on March 4th and throughout the exhibit. Memoirs can be exhibited.)  

Art and Memoir text complies with Smithsonian Guidelines For Accessible Exhibition Design. Artista Bottega's space is Accessible.